Jane Adams

Hey, thanks for visiting! I research and engineer software systems for visual analytics of high-dimensional data in life sciences. I’m planning to graduate from my PhD in Computer Science program in May of 2026, when I will continue my career in industry research. I am a dual citizen of the US and EU, seeking employment in the EU in 2026.


Machine Learning Fellow | June - August 2025
Flagship Pioneering, Cambridge MA


Graduate Research Co-op: Data Science for Systems Genetics | January 2025 - Present
The Jackson Laboratory, Portland ME / Remote

Doctoral Student (Ph.D.), Computer Science | Fall 2021 – Present
Data Visualization Lab @ Northeastern University, Boston, MA

Graduate Certificate in Bioinformatics | January 2024 – Present
Northeastern University College of Science, Boston, MA


I’m presently a 4th-year Computer Science PhD student in the Data Visualization Lab at Northeastern University’s Khoury College, under the advisement of Dr. Michelle Borkin, and also completing coursework in the College of Science for a graduate certificate in Bioinformatics. This past year, I worked on developing longitudinal lab analysis tools for liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (LC/MS) with Agilent Technologies, before joining Ozette Technologies as a graduate research intern for 8 months, where we developed a multi-agent large language model architecture for applying conversational interfaces to visual analytics dashboards. This spring, I have re-joined the Jackson Laboratory for a graduate research co-op in Data Science with a focus on architecting visual informatics software for systems genetics research.

My favorite language is Python, and some of my favorite libraries are NetworkX, Plotly, SciKit Learn, and Pandas. I usually work in Python, D3, TypeScript, Svelte, and full stack web development (MERN, LEAN, etc.). I have experience with HPC (High-performance Computing), slurm/chron (job scheduling), building FastAPI and Flask/uWSGI APIs, nginx configuration, AWS S3/EC2 deployment, React dashboards, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for scientific computing, BigQuery, Docker, vite, OAuth/MFA, and BitBucket and GitHub CI/CD pipelines. Sometimes I dabble in Java and C++ for art projects, or use R for statistics. Some Python libraries I’ve been learning to use lately are LangChain/LangGraph, ChromaDB, and CuGraph (a CUDA wrapper for NetworkX to make toposort go brrrr). I’m really curious about becoming more proficient at Python scripting in Blender.

I’ve been a speaker and panelist at NVIDIA GTC (Global Technology Conference) in 2021 and 2022, SXSW 2022 and 2023, TEDx, AIGA, ODSC East in 2018 and ODSC West in 2019, IEEE VIS in 2023, and AAAI in 2022. I’ve been interviewed on NPR about creativity & AI. I’ve organized workshops at WiDS Stanford, and IEEE VIS 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023, and I will be serving as Student Chair for the Information+ Conference in 2025. I have published work in TVCG (IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics), Science, PLoS, EPJ Data Science, JMIR Society of Digital Psychiatry Journal of Mental Health, JMM (Joint Mathematics Meetings), and more. You can find my Google Scholar profile here.

You can find me on Mastodon at janeadams@datavis.social.


In my personal time, I enjoy curating and making art. I love rock climbing, taking care of plants, and hiking. I love my partner very much and we’re excited to be getting married soon! My favorite video games are Minecraft, Civilization VI, Cities Skylines, and Anno 1800. I am very slowly researching and writing a book about realism techniques in paintings c.1700-1900, and exploring the use of L systems for data art. I’m an administrator of datavis.social, a Mastodon instance in the fediverse. I’m a proud member of GENU-UAW graduate workers’ union.
